


I want to wish you a happy and blessed New Year! Join us in the prayer Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” May our families, our city, our nation, and the world recognize our need for Jesus and turn to Him. May the love of Christ be yours in abundance in this New Year.
I  will pray for you from any place and at any time,
 because all of you can have in 2011 a new year blessed
 from all kind of prosperity and any abundance.

“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:16, 18-19

Patriarch Elijah     


Patriarch Elijah at the Lausanne Rotary Club

Déjeuner du 10 décembre 2010

Affluence modérée, en ce vendredi de décembre, pour un déjeuner précédant la veillée de Noël organisée le soir même. A part des propos de table, aucun point à l'ordre du jour.

Notre président en a profité pour saluer nos deux hôtes du jour:

- Jean-François Richon, membre du club de Bruxelles centre, classification diplomatie;
- Le Patriarche orthodoxe Elijah, membre du club de Torino-Collina.

Un échange de fanions a eu lieu, a la suite duquel nos deux hôtes se sont brièvement exprimés. M. Richon nous a indiqué qu'il est bien d'origine suisse, mais que ce sont ses activités professionnelles qui l'ont amené â Bruxelles et qu'il est donc heureux de se trouver parmi nous.

Quant au patriarche Elijah, c'est une personnage multiple: missionnaire évangélique de confession orthodoxe baptisé au Mont-Athos (il était d'ailleurs vêtu des habits des moines orthodoxes) il est aussi directeur musical du "Jesus Christ Symphony Orchestra", fondateur de l'Orchestre des jeunes de la Fondation Rotary et nous a parlé de sa rencontre avec Mère Theresa.

Persuadé que toute personne est une représentation de Dieu sur terre, il nous a aussi ébaubis en nous affirmant avoir écrit, sur son blog que "Jésus Christ serait devenu rotarien"… Le soussigné a constaté que notre patriarche est aussi féru de nouvelles technologies, puisqu'il est sur facebook, blogspot, myspaoe wikipédia, rien que ça!

Celle e ceux qui sont curieux de mystique et de musique pourront surfer à l'envi sur ou sur le site du patronyme profane du patriarche

Veytaux, le 11 décembre 2010
Le Bulletinier, Olivier Rapin

Freely you have received; freely give. “Here am I. Send me!”


Most of the so-called "Christians or ministers of God " ask for money,
 but Jesus said freely ye have received freely you give.
 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Acts 3:6

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Matthew 10:8 

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons. 

Freely you have received; freely give.

He gives and freely we receive.

Freely He gives and freely we receive. How dare we keep the donation to ourselves? Even in poverty we are made rich; even in sickness we are made whole; even in death we live. The largesse of love we see whether we look here or there, up or down, in or out. We live in a boon of adoration. He bestows gifts upon gifts and promises even more.
“Freely you have received, freely give!”


Conductor Patriarch Elijah (secular name prof. Giuseppe Savazzi )

Diretta dal Patriarca Elia (nome secolare prof. Giuseppe Savazzi)

La tournée concertistica internazionale della Rotary Youth International Orchestra del 1990 sponsorizzata da Lufthansa apriva le strade al grande sogno e progetto di Dio: la JESUS CHRIST SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA.

La Rotary Youth International orchestra che ha tenuto il concerto organizzato dal Rotary Club Galilei al Teatro Verdi, a beneficio dell'Associazione per la ricerca sul cancro, ha conquistato il pubblico pisano… 
Le notizie su questa orchestra appena nata, di giovani di vasta internazionalità, costruita dal Rotary International anche con la collaborazione di Claudio Abbado, che l'avevano preceduta annunziando questa serata come un avvenimento di rilevante importanza artistica, erano state considerate con un po' di sospetto.
… Ma già durante il programma gli applausi si erano fatti sentire, si erano ripetuti calorosamente alla fine dei brani e, alla conclusione, i cento giovani orchestrali sono stati festeggiati con entusiasmo e richieste di replica. Il maestro Savazzi e il pianista Philippe Bianconi sono stati insistentemente fatti tornare alla ribalta… 
… Il giovane maestro Giuseppe Savazzi che nella fortunata carriera ha già collaborato con le orchestre della Scala di Milano, del San Carlo di Napoli, dell'Arena di Verona, del Teatro Sperimentale di Spoleto, della RAI di Milano, è oggi direttore stabile della International Chamber orchestra of Europe e direttore designato di questa Orchestra dei Rotary… 
… Il concerto s'è aperto con la Sinfonia dalla Forza del Destino di Verdi che è una delle pagine più popolari del repertorio sinfonico verdiano… 
Per l'esecuzione del Primo Concerto in re minore op. 15 di Brahms per pianoforte e orchestra è stato protagonista Philippe Bianconi, francese, non ancora trentenne, pianista di talento… 
La terza ed ultima parte della serata è stato un felice ascolto della Nona Sinfonia in mi minore op. 95 dal Nuovo Mondo di Dvorak che è la più popolare delle opere del compositore boemo.. 
Calato il sipario del Verdi, spentasi la lunga eco degli applausi di questo concerto di successo, la Rotary International Orchestra continua la tournée italiana e successivamente proseguirà gli spettacoli in Europa e nel mondo. Questo ambizioso progetto, consente di esprimere fra la gente i messaggi delle finalità del Rotary: diffondere cultura, proporre col linguaggio universale della musica amicizia e fraternità, offrire ai giovani musicisti che hanno talento un'occasione di affermazione professionale, realizzare col ricavato dei concerti, grandi e sentite opere umanitarie.

The international concert tour of the Rotary International Youth Orchestra, sponsored by Lufthansa in 1990 opened the roads to the great dream and project of God:



Patriarch Elijah (Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi), two time first price in the world  from the Rotary  International Foundation and Ambassadorial Scholarship alumnus, organized the Rotary Youth International Orchestra, a 120-member group from 25 nations, sponsored by Lufthansa,  that performed fundraising tours all over the world.



In Rotary year 1991 , to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Rotary Foundation (founded 18 June 1917) Professor Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Elijah) was designed one of seventy-five Foundation candles symbolizing all those people and projects that have illuminated people's lives during the foundation's first 75 years of Service. Honorable mention of the first 75 candles appeared in the foundation annual report , Special Report 1991-92 , The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International , '75 Candles to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation : 18. Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Elijah) : Ambassadorial Scholarship alumnus who organized the Rotary Youth International Orchestra , a 120-member group from 25 nations , sponsored by Lufthansa ,  that performed fundraising tours over the world".
Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Elijah ) received the honor of the premium Paul Harris Fellow in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given to the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.
At the moment is the music director and general manager of the Universal Symphony Orchestra , He is also member of Rotary Club of Torino Collina -District 2030 -Italy .

Spiritual name: Patriarch Prophet Elijah, baptized on Mount Athos , priest and monk missionary, evangelist, prophetic ministry in the world, received consecration and anointing by the Holy Spirit. Secular name: Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi, conductor, musician, writer, music director of the Jesus Christ Symphony Orchestra from 1987 to 2011.
Patriarch of the Patriarchate in the world of Jesus Christ .

He worked as a missionary in all country in the world , also  with Mother Teresa of Calcutta for a long times in India where he have met the Holy Mother 33 times.
Patriarch Elijah through music has combined in a single sound of love, religions, peoples, cultures, with a single purpose : love all serve all.

Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous New Year to all.

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” - Luke 2:8-11

I bless you in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Patriarch Elijah

Patriarch Elijah
Secular name -Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi –
 ID 16902 -(Rotary Club Torino Collina , District 2030 )

Via Mazzini 46
10123 Torino
0039-339-7830244 (cellulare)


Here the result of the Witness to the Gospel to the prisons of Turin-Italy / CHRISTMAS 2010 - Letter sended from Father Piero Stavarengo to the Patriarch Elijah

. . . But Jesus says, “I was in prison, and you came to me.”

After meeting of evangelization with Don Piero Stavarengo and Patriarch Elijah to the prisons of Turin-Italy

After meeting of evangelization with Don Piero Stavarengo and Patriarch Elijah
to the prisons of Turin-Italy,
here you can see in this three images the witness of Christ made from the prisoners of Turin-Italy for the Christmas 2010

Dopo gli incontri di evangelizzazione con Don Piero Stavarengo e il Patriarca Elia alla casa circondariale di Torino testi e immagini sono realizzati dagli ospiti della casa circondariale.

Christmas greetings and text realized by the prisoners in Turin-Italy-Christmas 2010



I am member of Rotary Club of Torino Collina -District 2030 -Italy
I was two time the first price of the Rotary International Foundation since 1985 -1986-andf from 1987-1988 .
I have founded and I am the music director of the Rotary Youth International Orchestra sponsored by Lufthansa from1990 .
After this great experiences I realized for the ministry of JESUS CHRIST the JESUS CHRIST SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA , thank you God I got the honor of the premium Paul Harris Fellow in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given to the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.

To maintain equilibrium in His creation, the Creator has seen to it that all creatures have whatever they need to survive. Therefore, when human beings attack and destroy one another, they are working against the Creator.
Yes, the true interests of humanity and those of the Divinity are one and the same, and only when they unite will blessings be generated for all.

"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation... "Mark 16:15-18

I bless you in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Hallelujah !

Patriarch Elijah

May you be blessed this Christmas season and throughout the new year



Psalm 116 says: ‘I walk before the Lord in the land of the living.’ Where is this land of the living? We can say, in fact, that it is our earth, because our earth also includes regions made up of very subtle, luminous, etheric matter where the most highly evolved beings–the saints, prophets and great masters of humanity – continue to live after their death. And it is in these regions that Jesus still lives, for he has not left the earth. He said: ‘I am with you always, to the end of the age,’ which means that he is still here on earth. He left the physical earth, of course, but not the etheric, luminous, divine earth. Jesus as an expression of the divine principle which is the Christ did not leave our earth. He is here in the land of the living where he continues to participate in the work of his heavenly Father. He protects, enlightens and guides all those who wish to follow his path, who wish to work with him and walk in his light.
All of we are call to be the light in the world for imitate Jesus 100% and more as
He commanded
"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
John 14 : 12
"The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher. "
Luke 6:40
 “You are the salt of the earth...“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:13-14

I bless you in the blood of Jesus Christ .

Hallelujah !



Walking on water is not
a simple sleight of hand,
walk on water
means to walk on all problems of life,
means to win and have dominion over any obstacle in life.
This challenge , this call is for all men on Earth,
all of us are called to walk on water with Jesus

So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!" And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matt 14: 22-32)

 “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Genesis 1:2

Without Jesus we are formless and empty we live in darkness, but if God is with us,we can hover above the waters.



Jesus said "Go into all the world and preach the the Gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16 :15-16
Jesus Christ never said go into the world and create religions .
As soon as you realize you are going down the wrong path by giving in to certain temptations, change course and quickly distance yourself from the dark regions into which you have strayed. Understand that your entire future is determined by the regions towards which you travel.
Religious teaching says that God punishes us when we do wrong and rewards us for the good things we do. But this is just a way of presenting things. In reality, God does not punish us and he does not reward us either. We ourselves choose to go to a particular inner region, through our thoughts, our feelings and our actions. We then either have to suffer, or we benefit from the splendid conditions in these regions. And there is an enormous difference between going to the regions of light and going to those of darkness.
Many missionaries have responsibilities similar to jobs at home necessary to run any organization. Like those in YESHUA's lineage, they aren't perfect either. God doesn't call perfect people into His service. He calls faithful people with servant hearts in whom and through whom He can work to accomplish His purposes in the world:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 

Jesus told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”Luke 10:2

I worked as a missionary with Mother Teresa of Calcutta for a long times and  I have met the Holy Mother 33 times, She always repeated to me:

I bless you in the name and in the blood of Jesus Christ .

Hallelujah ! 

Patriarch Prophet Elijah



Le creature umane hanno potenzialità illimitate e proprio per questo hanno bisogno di aprire nuovi orizzonti anche con gli strumenti elettronici . La convivialità può assumere nuove forme , poiché gli esseri umani sono creature divine che hanno ricevuto la tecnica per innalzare il cuore.

Non è tanto sul piano fisico che bisogna cercare di sistemare le situazioni, perché il piano fisico è il mondo in cui si manifestano gli effetti, e il potere che abbiamo su di essi è limitato. Per produrre cambiamenti durevoli, bisogna elevarsi con il pensiero fino al mondo delle cause, perché solo a quel livello si hanno tutti i mezzi per toccare e scatenare forze benefiche che prima o poi produrranno dei risultati. La maggior parte degli esseri umani però non lo sa, e si limita a intervenire sul piano fisico. Poi si meraviglia se i cambiamenti che ha potuto apportare non sono duraturi: subentrano avvenimenti o persone che, senza chiedere la loro opinione, organizzano nuovamente le cose a modo loro.

Cerchiamo quindi di innalzarci col pensiero e con lo Spirito fino al piano causale, perché lassù, legandoci al mondo della saggezza, dell'amore e della verità potremo liberare delle forze che si ripercuoteranno sul nostro comportamento, sul piano fisico. Pertanto tutte le macchine sono buone se lo Spirito che le guida rispecchia l’insegnamento divino : “Sia fatto l’uomo a nostra immagine e somiglianza ..affinché l’uomo abbia dominio” (Genesi 1). Una pentola è sempre una pentola, ma dalle mani di un bravo cuoco nascerà un cibo prelibato, quel cuoco però prima di incominciare ha bisogno dell’ingrediente più importante : vuole sapere quante persone siederanno a quella tavola, o quella pentola nelle sue mani pur preziose non servirà a nulla.

Patriarca Elia Patriarca Elia –Rotary Club Torino Collina -Italy –District 2030 Nome secolare-
Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi –ID 16902 Via Mazzini 46 10123 Torino -Italy Mobile 0039-339-7830244 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0039-339-7830244      end_of_the_skype_highlighting


Clear vision is gained by means of a pure life
"The ability to see things clearly is only acquired through purity. The emphasis in our teaching is therefore on living a pure life, on the physical plane as well as on the psychic plane.
The whole of a human being's destiny depends on having a clear 'inner eye', and this clarity depends on their way of life. As soon as they do something wrong and transgress divine laws, their spiritual vision becomes obscured, they no longer receive warnings or guidance and they become hopelessly lost. So it is up to each person to become aware of the relationship between their daily conduct and the clarity of their vision. Those who resolve to live an upright, honest, noble life are cleansed, and their subtle centres begin to operate. And so, now that they have proper guidance and direction, they find their way back to the springs, meadows, lakes, pastures and mountains of their true homeland.
That country is the kingdom of heaven but that we must carry here in the Earth.

The word of the LORD came to Jonah, saying:
"Set out for the great city of Nineveh,
and announce to it the message that I will tell you." John 3 : 1-5,10
So Jonah made ready and went to Nineveh,
according to the LORD’S bidding becouse there it was the Kingdom.



To Nicodemus, the Israelite doctor who came one night to question him, Jesus responded: ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.’ This verse corresponds to a verse in the beginning of Genesis: ‘And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.’ In both of these, it is the phenomenon of birth which is evoked: the birth of the universe and the spiritual birth of the human being. In both we find the same elements: fire (spirit) and water (matter). Just as the universe was born of fire and water, human beings must also be born of fire and water in order to enter into this higher state of consciousness called the Kingdom of God, because transposed onto the spiritual plane, fire represents wisdom and water represents love.
Jesus Christ came to carry the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth for to revive all creatures from the water and the Spirit.
The kingdom of Heaven is on earth , but the Key to the Kingdom of Heaven is only Jesus Christ.

" Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:12

Jesus replied, "... on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."....
Matthew 16:18-19

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6


Jerusalem, 11 December 2010

Dear His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

The Bible declares, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14).
Paul and the other apostles gave their lives for the cause of Christ. In fact, there are few more stirring witnesses of our great cause than we find in Paul’s letter to the Corinthian church:
I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:1–5). We have no greater cause than to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified and to go to the nations to testify of God’s life-saving and miracle-working power. Together we can help make that a reality ! Together we can stand in the gap and point precious souls to eternal salvation through the blood of our Lord Jesus.
I hope to get the opportunity again to meet you soon with the will of God.

I will pray for you and I bless you in the blood of Jesus Christ.

His Holiness Patriarch Prophet Elijah

“I’m convinced: You can do anything and everything. Nothing and no one can upset your plans" Job 42:2