
Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi Patriarch Elijah elected as Director of the Rotary Foundation of District 3150

 Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi Patriarch Elijah was elected Director of the Rotary Foundation of  District 3150 of India, Andhra Pradesh state.

Rtn. Giuseppe Savazzi (7-12-1955) is the first Italian to be awarded a Rotary scholarship to study music. He was an Ambassadorial Scholar sponsored by the Rotary Club of Torino-Nord, Italy in Rotary International District 2030 to study Masters Degree at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, USA. His ambition of organizing a Rotary Youth Orchestra to foster friendship among young musicians around the world fulfilled when he led the 90-member group from 15 countries to perform fundraising tours in Europe in the 1990s. Rtn.Giuseppe met Mother Teresa of Calcutta, India and followed Mother Teresa’s missionary activity till 1995, visiting her numerous times in India.

He has performed his activity as musician, conductor and missionary all over the world. He currently cooperates with the Teatro Regio di Torino Turin, the Wiener Philarmoniker, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Tel Aviv Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Rtn.Giuseppe as Ambassadorial Scholarship alumnus organized the Rotary Youth International Orchestra, that performed fundraising tours  in many countries the world. Rtn Giuseppe  who was awarded from one of the best Candles in the world to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation continues to reach out to youth including Rotaract club members through music.

Admitted as our Club Member: 1 August, 2011
Membership Classification: Music Direction


Renace la Rotary International Orchestra

¿Qué es la Orquesta Internacional de Rotary?
El Maestro Giuseppe Savazzi a través del “renacimiento de la Orquesta de Rotary International” proyecto que lleva a cabo una misión internacional de alfabetización musical y cultura. El propósito es dar a los jóvenes músicos, en sus países de origen, la educación necesaria para el pleno desarrollo artístico y musical en un camino autosuficiente. Varias iniciativas ya se han llevado a cabo en la India, Costa Rica, Suiza, Italia y otras naciones de todo el mundo.

En cada país, los jóvenes estudiantes de escuelas locales y orquestas seleccionado para participar en clases magistrales de formación con el Maestro Giuseppe Savazzi. La clase magistral Concierto de clausura, además de sellar la unión de todos los participantes, se puede utilizar para recaudar fondos para las iniciativas sociales de relevancia local.

La Orquesta y el Rotary International: un fin común
La Orquesta y el Orquesta Internacional de Rotary es unir a las personas, culturas y religiones, junto crear una hermandad de la armonía. El mismo objetivo se hace evidente en el actual presidente de RI Kalyan Banerjee misión y el proyecto. Este el tema que eligió para el año rotario 2011-2012:

"Busca dentro de Sí para Abrazar a la Humanidad"

La música como un camino espiritual
Palabras Kalyan Banerjee "busca dentro de ti para abrazar a la humanidad" contiene una verdad fundamental: la fuerza, el equilibrio, la paz y la felicidad dependen de amor. La presencia del amor debe ser constante, en parte, dentro de nosotros mismos. En ese estado no hay ninguna razón para creer en uno mismo como débil, pobre y solitario. El verdadero amor sólo se puede descubrir en la dimensión espiritual.

La música es el instrumento elegido por el Maestro Giuseppe Savazzi para descubrirse a sí mismo, la Orquesta es el instrumento que eligió para pasar sus conocimientos a todo el mundo.


Professor Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Elijah) from August 1, 2011 is a member of the Rotary E-Club 3150- India-states of Andhra Pradesh

ID 6429742-Rotarian Prof.Giuseppe Savazzi-Religious name Patriarch Elijah-from August 1, 2011 is a member of the Rotary E-Club 3150 -India-states of Andhra Pradesh.Club # 83442

In Rotary year 1991 , to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Rotary Foundation (founded 18 June 1917) Professor Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Elijah) was designed one of seventy-five Foundation candles symbolizing all those people and projects that have illuminated people's lives during the foundation's first 75 years of Service. Honorable mention of the first 75 candles appeared in the foundation annual report , Special Report 1991-92 , The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International , '75 Candles to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation : 18. Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Elijah) : Ambassadorial Scholarship alumnus who organized the Rotary Youth International Orchestra , a 120-member group from 25 nations , sponsored by Lufthansa ,  that performed fundraising tours over the world".
Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Elijah ) in 2007 received the honor of the premium Paul Harris Fellow in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given to the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world.

Rotary E-Club 3150

@rotaryeclub3150 Andhra Pradesh State, India
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Giuseppe Savazzi-Patriarch Elijah is the music director and general manager of the Rotary International Orchestra.

Giuseppe Savazzi - Patriarch Elijah has only one goal that all of humanity becomes ONE.