Dear Man of God President Kalyan Banerjee,
I am Patriarch Elijah from Jerusalem, secular name Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi, I am a member of the Rotary Club Torino Collina - District 2030.
As a ministry of God, I appreciate your wonderful divine inspiration for the theme of your ministry “discover yourself", that had inspired you as president in your great embrace of all humanity.
It is a touching theme, but also very purposeful and meaningful. I’m sure that you can inspire the Rotary Clubs throughout the world to solve the problems of humanity.
As a missionary, I met Mother Teresa of Calcutta in India 33 times and she told me: "One person touched by the Holy Spirit is worth more than all the gold in the world". After hearing these words my life has changed completely.
You just have to believe: when you meet a man or woman of God even for a few seconds, your life will never be the same, because by that time God will bless you forever, from that moment the place that you will touch is holy because YOU are holy.
My friend Mother Teresa of Calcutta always said to me: "Like Jesus, we belong to the world, living not for ourselves but for others. The joy of the Lord is our strength. There is only one God and He is God to all; therefore it is important that everyone is seen as equal before God. I’ve always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic”.
We believe our work should be our example to people. Knowing themselves in order to progress spiritually, the humans rarely have an objective opinion of themselves, and this is just as true of those on a spiritual path. Even those who are highly evolved can be frightened by the immensity of Divine Science, by just how far they are from the goal they must reach; they feel wretched, and the poor opinion they have of themselves paralyses them.
The only truth we have in common beyond the name of religion is ushering in the Kingdom of God here on Earth.
I hope to meet you in India with the hope to work together for the same mission of God.

I bless you in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Patriarch Prophet Elijah
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