Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Prophet Elijah) rewarded as one of the 75 top people in Rotary Foundation's History
More candles of service brighten
the Foundation's 75th anniversary
On 18 June, 1917, Arch Klumph - Rotary's sixth international president - stood at the podium of the Rotary International convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA., and called on Rotarians to create an "endowment for doing good in the world... in charitable, educational or other avenues of community progress."
The Rotary world responded with what today is Rotary's chief agency for international service: The Rotary Foundation of R.I. Rotarians and friends of Rotary have contributed more than US. $603 million to The Foundation since its inception; $49.1 million in 1990-91 alone.
But it is the Rotarians putting those dollars to work "doing good in the world" through their volunteer efforts and the Foundation's educational and humanitarian programs that give the Foundation its life and vitality.
As its 75th anniversary approaches, The Foundation is designating 75 people and projects as Foundation "candles," symbolizing all those people and project; that have illuminated people's lives during the Foundation's first 75 years of service.
Giuseppe Savazzi
He was already known as the top tuba player in Europe when he applied to become a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar. But when the Rotary Club of Torino Nord, Italy, selected Giuseppe Savazzi in 1987-88, he took leave from his permanent position at the Opera Teatro Regio in Torino to begin focusing his studies on orchestral conducting at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A.
Following his scholarship year, Giuseppe returned to Italy to conduct a benefit concert. Still, he felt he needed to do more to show his appreciation to Rotary and its Foundation for the opportunities it had given him. Asa result, Giuseppe organized the Rotary Youth International Orchestra (RYIO), a 90-member ensemble of musicians ages 18 and under from 15 nations. These young musicians overcame language and cultural differences to produce glorious music for their audiences.
RYIO, says Giuseppe, "is yet another way to promote international peace and understanding to youth around the world."
Sponsored by R.I. District 2030, the group embarked on a two-week European tour in April 1990 that included Munich, Germany; Lyon, France; and Milan, Italy.
From “The Rotarian” - January 1992
Giuseppe Savazzi (Patriarch Prophet Elijah) - Shoulder to shoulder with Sir Georg Solti
When the Rotary Club of Torino Nord, Italy, selected him to receive a Rotary Foundation Vocational Scholarship, Giuseppe Savazzi was excited about continuing his studies in orchestral conducting at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, U.S.A. That meant the young conductor could attend performances of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, led by Sir Georg Solti, one of the world's great maestros.
Giuseppe took a leave from his permanent position as principal tuba player at the Opera Teatro Regio in Torino to study at Northwestern, earning a Master of Music degree in orchestral conducting in June. (He also holds a master's degree in music from Milan's Conservatory of Music, where he studied piano, and has a diploma in tuba from the Conservatory of Music in Geneva.)
At Northwestern, Giuseppe worked diligently and took time to attend the Chicago Symphony. "I was especially pleased," he says "when Harold Lipofsky, past governor of R.I. District 644, arranged for me to attend a rehearsal session of the Symphony. I thought it would be the perfect environment for observing Solti's techniques. After the rehearsal — to my surprise — Sir Georg greeted me, then spent more than an hour in animated discussion. He asked me to return the next day to continue the conversation for organize a program of work and study together. We even made plans to meet again in London and Milan. I certainly didn't expect my Vocational Scholarship to be the beginning of such a prestigious independent study program."
Giuseppe started in music when he was six. At 17 he was playing tuba at the famed Teatro La Scala in Milan under the tutelage of Claudio Abbado. Today, music critics describe him as the top tuba player in Europe. He has played with the London Symphony Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe. "My focus now" he says "is on orchestral conducting. My year at Northwestern was important for that and the friendship with Maestro Solti was a fantastic bonus."
Returning to Italy in late June, Giuseppe continued his studies at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena. In August, he assumed the baton as conductor of the Orchestra da Camera Internazionale, taking the group to Rio De Janeiro and other international capitals. In October he returns to Chicago to conduct a benefit concert for District 644, a major fundraising activity. "It will be one small way for me to repay Rotary International and the Foundation," he says.
From “The Rotarian” - October 1988
1 United Arab Emirates in Genuary
2 Costa Rica and Central America in February
3 Israel and Egypt in March
4 Giodania in April
5 Uganda in May
6 Kenya in June
7 India and Pakistan in July

Love all serve all !

2 Costa Rica and Central America in February
3 Israel and Egypt in March
4 Giodania in April
5 Uganda in May
6 Kenya in June
7 India and Pakistan in July
Matthew 28:19-20
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 
Love all serve all !
Galatians 5 :1
Freedom in Christ
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. "There is no problem in your life
any trial or difficulty you believe 100% that you have already won ! ! !
If you are in Christ you have no any type of condemnation,
Romans 8:1
Life Through the Spirit
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus".
You are no longer under the law, if you are in Christ are no longer under the court of the men and their laws.
If God is with you who has the courage to go and fight against you ?
“What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?] He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?” (Romans 8:31-32)Beloved, know that the deep desire of your heart is created by Me- placed there by Me. Confessing My promises will enable you to fight the good fight of faith and dismiss the thoughts of unworthiness and help you overcome the past with all its disappointments-all it accusations.
How the enemy loves to use your past. He so tries to convince you that I still hold you responsible for things you have confessed. In fact, he loves to keep you busy confessing the past and not confessing the Word. Reiterating past disappointments and failings release death and shatter hope. This is his objective.
My objective it to bring you to a place where you let go of the past and walk in My affirmation and love alone-to bring you to a place of confidence in Me regardless of anything that has happened or anything going on around you. In doing this you are walking out an overcoming life . . . you conquer doubt and unbelief. Make some steps forward today in any area of unbelief you are doing battle with. If you release even one small thing a day, life would be so different. Have a whole new objective.
Lord, today I make a great exchange with you. I exchange the opinions and words of men for Your truth about my life and purpose. I also give You all my own misguided opinions and assessments of my own self in every area, from relationships to my own personal walk with You. Take me to the heights of understanding and revelation about my future and my hope in You.
Since the Lord is for me, no one can be against me. He contends against my enemies and fights on my behalf. I hold up His Word as a standard with a heart of faith and the enemy flees. My value is not determined by the affirmation of men but the affirmation and love of the Lord. I step forward into the very promises of God and they are “yes” and “amen” for me and my family. I have a whole new objective, a whole new life. Amen
I bless you in the name and in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Patriarch Prophet Elijah
The prayer that has saved millions of people around the world
If you are at the point in your life where you are ready to make a personal commitment to follow Christ, all you have to do is reach out to Him now in prayer. He is listening and waiting to come into your heart and help you live a better life. Will you invite Him in now? If you'd like to pray and receive Christ as your Savior, you can use this simple prayer as a guide:
"Lord Jesus, I ask You to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins. I confess my sins before You this day. I denounce Satan and all his works. I confess Jesus as the Lord of my life. Thank You for saving me. I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that You rose from the dead. I am saved. Write my name in the Lamb's book of life. Today is my God-day with the Lord Jesus! I pray this prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus. Amen."
If you just prayed this prayer, please e-mail, mail, or call my ministry to let us know , will be my pleasure to help you understand a little more about this new life in Christ.
If you are at the point in your life where you are ready to make a personal commitment to follow Christ, all you have to do is reach out to Him now in prayer. He is listening and waiting to come into your heart and help you live a better life. Will you invite Him in now? If you'd like to pray and receive Christ as your Savior, you can use this simple prayer as a guide:
"Lord Jesus, I ask You to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins. I confess my sins before You this day. I denounce Satan and all his works. I confess Jesus as the Lord of my life. Thank You for saving me. I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that You rose from the dead. I am saved. Write my name in the Lamb's book of life. Today is my God-day with the Lord Jesus! I pray this prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus. Amen."
If you just prayed this prayer, please e-mail, mail, or call my ministry to let us know , will be my pleasure to help you understand a little more about this new life in Christ.
Welcome to the Year 2011 ! What a Joy it is to be Alive today & to once again witness the Beginning of a New Year! I Thank God for you & for being a beneficiary of God's Benevolence! Indeed it's been God's benevolence that has kept us alive to see 2011! I also Trust that the same Mercy, Grace & Benevolence of God Almighty will guide us through the New Year!
If the past year (or years) have not been everything you had hoped for or planned - Now is the Time to start afresh with Faith in God & Optimism that this year will be a great one! Despite where you've been or what your experiences have been this past year; You can still have a Victorious & Successful Year in 2011! Not by your own efforts or trusting in the 'arms of flesh'; Rather by holding unto the Word & Promises of God & Stepping out in Faith! The Word of the LORD to you this New Year is to "ARISE & SHINE"! With God on your side, you can Rise above your previous Disappointments or setbacks of 2010! You need to begin to 'lift your 'eye of faith' & See those things that God has in stock for you this year! As you See them begin to Declare & Decree them over your life! Your Faith & Mouth Confessions has Everything to do with what happens in your destiny in 2011! Hence, let your Faith & Mouth Confessions get to work in 2011! This year; don't just use your Words to Describe your situations; Rather use your Words to Change your situations! I'd want to join you right away by Prophesying over your life in 2011:
This year 2011- I prophesy over you that: You will Arise & Shine!; Every Project you started years ago, shall be Completed this Year! Every Dream you've been working on shall become a reality; Every obstacle that faced you in the past year shall be turned into a Miracle; Everything that had been Impossible to accomplish shall be accomplished this year!; I see God's Divine & Supernatural Wisdom leading you through the paths of 2011! Receive it in Jesus Name! ... Happy New Year!!
"Arise, Shine, for your Light has Come, and the Glory of the LORD RISES UPON You."
Isaiah: 60: 1
I bless you in the blood and in the name of Jesus Christ.
Patriarch Prophet Elijah
Secular name -Prof. Giuseppe Savazzi –
ID 6429742 - (Member of Rotary Club Torino Collina , District 2030 )
Via Mazzini 46
10123 Torino
0039-339-7830244 (cellulare)
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